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Search results for "BONES"

Open Metacast

Welcome to the third Halloween Episode of Open Metalcast, where we unleash the strange, the wicked, and the bizarre to thrill, excite, and scare...


For as good as 2011's Scurrlious is, it had MASSIVE footsteps to follow after the band's monumental Fortress. It didn't quite live up to it sadly, and...

Mustaine Mania

Ok, not really, but Megadeth can lay claim to being the first band online with an official website. 

Latest News

It can't be easy for aging metalheads and punks to rear babies. Instead of staying up late getting drunk at loud shows, you're staying...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...


Oranssi Pazuzu (Orange Pazuzu, in the Finnish) don’t easily fit into any particular genre, which makes their music hard to describe. Psychedelic? Yes. Bizarre?...


When they landed on this planet in the 80's, no one knew what history would tell about the interstellar group of misfits know to...


Recently I started reading Henry Rollins' Broken Summers and a sentence struck grossly true for myself: “All too often, contemporary music doesn't give me what...


Whoa, apparently I've been missing out on Hail of Bullets for a while now. Their first single "Pour le Mérite" off III: The Rommel...


Grave dropped their debut album Into the Grave in 1991 and have been killing it ever since, most recently on their Morbid Ascent EP....


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...

Latest News

Corey Taylor is not just the frontman of Slipknot and Stone Stour, the guy moonlights as a New York Times bestselling author as well....

Around the Interwebs

I've never heard of Cryptic Murmurs up until this point, but bless their hearts for creating the song "Anderson Cooper." The CNN reporter got...

Breakups & Shakeups

Hey, remember that one time Mike Portnoy started Adrenaline Mob and then quit? Me too! Kinda like Dream Theater, but less people care now.


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...

Upcoming Releases

It seems like Baroness have been through hell and back over the course of the last year, but never once showed signs of stopping...

Latest News

Dimebag Darrell is a legendary, influential guitarist, there is no doubt about it. But why, oh why, would he need a wax statue?

Shocking Revelations

Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth. Jason Newsted is in…well, Newsted. So why in the hell are we talking about them jamming on an old...


California's Wreck & Reference aren't a band that's easy to categorize. They combine aspects of industrial, drone, noise, hardcore, and black metal into an auditory...


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...

Show Recap

Last night was the fifth annual Revolver Golden Gods and without question, the biggest one yet. Metallica performed! Anthrax got up on stage with...

Shocking Revelations

So we all knew that Howard Jones, formerly of Killswitch Engage, was a type-2 diabetes sufferer. What we didn't know was that the dude...

Upcoming Releases

Watain announce their fifth record to be The Wild Hunt and set the release date to be August 19 in Europe and August 20...