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It's Monday and my sinuses are acting up. I am pissed off but luckily some new metal music will get me through the day....

Injection Reflection

What a busy week in heavy metal this has between. Between all the new music this week, the crazy Black Sabbath news, and all...


I was very impressed with the first track Meshuggah released a week ago, and if you're an avid reader of the site, you pretty much...

Latest News

I'm not sure how this leaked, but who cares. Thanks to Brandon Geist, editor of Revolver for the heads up. THERE IS A NEW...

Upcoming Releases

Another day, another tease of new MESHUGGAH. Today we find in our inboxes the cover art for their highly anticipated new album, Koloss. I...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we track down a news reel that traces back the origins of Noa's squirting phenomenon, to...


The weekend is here! Before we log off for the Suckfest, we wanted to catch up on some quick new song releases out there...


By now you folks probably know one of my favorite pastimes is to expose unsigned bands doing really cool shit. So when Censura from...

Upcoming Releases

I cannot be more excited to write this next sentence. Cynic will be releasing an EP of new material on November 15h (Nov 11...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...

RIP a Livecast

This edition of the Livecast kicks off Mayhem Month, where we'll have a member of a band on Mayhem Fest on each week. We...

Best of 2010

Well, the votes have been tallied (thanks to Cancerscare for that) and the results are in! Here are the top albums of the year...


by James Zalucky On the back cover of Insecurity Notoriety, a little computer screen rendered as a skull and bones symbol is pictured with...

Show Recap

By Atanamar Sunyata Incantation's debut album unleashed a miasmal, doom-drenched vision of death metal upon an unsuspecting world in 1992.  When Decibel Magazine inducted...


By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann Before Katherine Katz made her debut as the official third vocalist of Agoraphobic Nosebleed on their 2009 release Agorapocalypse, the...


by: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann When I first saw the lineup for the 2010 DECIBEL DEFIANCE TOUR, I did the following in order: 1. Shit...


by: Sean Gresens I'm going to try something different with this one. Instead of just a general blanket statement about the band as a...


By: Navjot Kaur Sobti When you hear the name Moth Eater, don’t think you’re dealing with some neo-hippie Williamsburg-bred indie fare, nor your typical,...

Upcoming Releases

Our good friends in DAATH have released more information about their upcoming release. The album, their third official release, will be self-titled and released...

Show Recap

Our British correspondent (yea, we got one of those) Nina Saeidi attended Sonisphere UK last weekend, and it took her a few days to...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...

Best of 2009

by Ryan Buege Some people might have qualms with the amount of hardcore and punk that shows up in my list – I am...


By Ben Apatoff Why should fiction get all the fun? There are plenty of great metal rockumentaries, especially in the past few years, and...