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Search results for "BONES"


So much new music and video content, that we could barely keep up with it. Here is a roundup featuring new goodies from Stone...


Last week, we posted the new Stone Sour video for "Gone Sovereign" and it was quite a ripper, but more on the hard rock...

Upcoming Releases

A growing trend in the music industry is for musicians to create comic books as a way to supplement their music and/or their income. Claudio Sanchez...

Upcoming Releases

In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...

Latest News

Last week, Baroness encountered every band's worst nightmare, as their bus fell over 30 feet in a horrific accident in England. They checked in...

Breakups & Shakeups

This is sad. The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced that rhythm guitarist Jeff Tuttle is leaving the band. There is no drama behind it,...

Latest News

Stone Sour initially to me, seemed like Slipknot–lite, but in the last few years, they've really made their own mark on the world. I...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally here folks, one of the most anticipated albums of the year; does The Faceless' new one deliver? Kind of (don't hate me)....


In the mood to zone out to some transcendental metal? Well then, this new Krallice track is just for you. I love these guys and...

Bummer Alert

There aren't too many grindcore bands that I listen to these days, but Singapore's Wormrot has always somehow found their way into my rotation....

Upcoming Releases

Solid releases all around this week, so let's get right into it: we'll take a look at highly anticipated albums from Baroness and The...


Fozzy has debuted their new track, "Sandpaper" and of all the Fozzy songs I've ever heard, I hate  this one the least. Maybe, possibly,...

Upcoming Releases

The Locust fucking get it. They always got it. They are, in my humble opinion, very underrated. Their use of synth creating new types...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel rabble rouser Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal...

RIP a Livecast

This week's Livecast is sponsored by Rammstein playing live at the American Airlines Center this Tuesday, May 22nd. Leave a comment and you could...


Finally! Gaza (pronounced GAH-Zah, not guh-ZAH) has officially announced they are set to release their new album No Absolutes in Human Suffering this summer....

Relapse Records Podcast

Its the Relapse Records Maryland Death Fest podcast special!! Featuring tracks from all performing Relapse Artists, old and new, in addition to exclusive tracks...


I was incredibly excited when the press advance of Baroness's new double album, Yellow & Green arrived in my inbox last week. The problem? I...

Show Recap

A deep gloom spread across London one late spring evening and residents of Kentish Town felt shivers creeping up their spines like spiders intent...

Upcoming Releases

I am really excited for Baroness' upcoming double album, Yellow & Green, out July 17th on Relapse. It's been forever since we've heard new...

Injection Reflection

The weather is getting nicer. The days are getting longer and the metal is getting heavier. This was a pretty busy week. Lots of...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...

Injection Reflection

This week marked the end of February and the beginning of March, which is crazy because it feels like New Year's was just like...