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Search results for "BONES"


Consistency is the order of the day here, which is what makes For All Kings a notable improvement over Worship Music. This feels more...

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Essential Black Metal Listening

The name alone here should say it all: Nocturnal Poisoning. Just saying it out loud makes me feel like I’ve got alcohol poisoning.

Weekly Injection

The Weekly Injection welcomes you to 2016…two weeks in. Anyway, this first of the new year edition includes weird prog, death metal, doom, and...


Purple stands to add every bit as many classics to the band's mixtape canon as any album they've produced thus far, including the more...


Back in 2012 (which makes this DVD a bit on the belated side but whatever) the mighty Melvins undertook a novel tour, playing all...

Latest News

Stop stage diving~!

Bummer Alert

Update: In a new statement, bassist Jim Riley has confirmed all members of the band are in stable condition. Original story as follows: More information...


Die Choking have already told us twice that they have little interest in tuning out their ADHD riffage (in a world that's oddly developed...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Greetings tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's column, here's the usual weekly reminder that if you're...


Ritual Killer is the kind of beast that makes no bones about what it's here to do. When the songs kick on and the...


This collection encompasses two previously released Deceased cover albums in their entireties, 2002's Zombie Hymns and 2004's Rotten to the Core, plus another 17...


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


Bad Magic arrives at a tumultuous time in Motörhead's history. What was meant to be a triumphant return after several years of escalating health...


I am listening to the most recent one right now, and already found two great bands.


It sounds like teeth scraping concrete and brains blown all over the damn place

Video Games

Lots of Aveneged Sevenfold exclusives coming!

Weekly Injection

As of this post's publication, I'm dying in Arizona. Too fucking hot, too fucking desert. I picked a great week to take some new...


Nine albums and this jungle just keeps rotting.