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Best of 2021

Another whirlwind 365 days have come and gone and boy, have there been some awesome metal albums released this year. Yeah, the existential apocalypse...


Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal in order to express your appreciation for all the bands that are currently working...


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...

Upcoming Releases

The sick, the dying, and the dead are coming.

New Music

Trying to decide which is better is impossible.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from 200 Stab Wounds, Beatallica, Blood Sport, Bonded, Cave Bastard, Creature, Kanaan, and Suffocation.

Latest News

"I don't think they had to do that. I asked them not to."


Reality is often a far cry from the animated series Metalocalypse in which the global economy depends on the world’s best death metal band, Dethklok. The joke...

Live Footage

Off their upcoming live album, The Bastard Tracks.

Latest News

There are now hundreds of different online casinos available for intrepid gamblers to discover and themed casinos are now a pioneering niche within the...


Watch as members of Metallica, Korn, Slayer, System Of A Down, Anthrax, Five Finger Death Punch, Testament, Exodus, Behemoth, Lamb Of God, Halestorm, Trivium,...


We dig through Mastodon's back catalog to discover the under-appreciated and forgotten...

Latest News

Kiko Loureiro, James LoMenzo, and a guest drummer.


Metal fans know that Dave Lombardo has worn a hat or two in his day. The former Slayer stickman has held down the fort...