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"Still, Let The World Burn is definitely worth the time. Listeners who stuck around all these years will find their wildest dreams rewarded."

Music Videos

It doesn't hurt that Chuck Billy is on this song too.

Music Videos

Catchy as hell with the right amount of heaviness.

Metal Merch

Plus members of Fear Factory and Life Of Agony.


Gene Hoglan or Sami Karppinen, anyone?

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Amorphis, Author & Punisher, Heavy Meta, Cult of Luna, Once Human, Voivod, and WAIT.


Plus the early days of Annihilator, lineup changes, the the importance of Exciter and Anvil.

This Is Just A Tribute

The man partially responsible for creating a ton of legendary bands.


"Erebos is a blood-boiling rampage of an album, with thoughtful scaffoldings to separate Venom Prison from the pack."

Live Footage

Jon Dette, formerly of Testament and Slayer fame.


Remember when we thought the world was going to end in 2012? Turns out they were about a decade off, which is nice because...


Time flies when you're listening to great music, and it's been 30 years for these excellent records! So get ready to feel at least...

RIP a Livecast

This will be the last episode of the Livecast posted to Metal Injection, get future episodes at ripalivecast.com Skoly-D himself, Alex Skolnick sits in...