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Search results for "compilation"

It's Just Business

Owned and operated by an ex-Metal Blade Records employee.

Black Metal Chronicles

Darkthrone’s 1993 album, Under a Funeral Moon, represents the true essence of black metal. You can largely determine how you feel about black metal...


Diaz has a few inches on Maynard, just a few.

Funeral Doom Friday

The man behind one of 2016's best albums is back with a new song to commemorate a compilation box set.

The Wednesday Sludge

The newly-reformed Iron Monkey entered the studio earlier this year to record a new album.


Accept have been one of the more consistently excellent bands over the decades that it can easily seem to even longtime listeners that the band...

Funeral Doom Friday

Stijn Van Cauter is back with a new collection of darkwave-laced funeral doom.


If The Obsessed does indeed turn out to be Wino's exclusive gig for the foreseeable future, he could have definitely picked a worse way...


Of course it was originally released in Japan.

New Music

Mid-paced punches to the gut are the best kind.


I guess Blake Judd isn't done with music after all?


A live track from Sleep, a Darkest Hour cover song, and more!

Upcoming Releases

2018 might be a little more disturbing.

Dank Slams

In last week's installment of Dank, we introduced you to a very special guest columnist by the name of Uncle Cam, who went on...

Dank Slams

So, we know this guy. This guy, man, he gets around. Dude is THE connoisseur of all that is brutal, slammin, groovin, gurglin, and...