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Search results for "compilation"

New Music

Five Finger Death Punch slow it down just a bit.

You're going to laugh your ass off at the Strapping Young Lad bits.

Upcoming Releases

Time to hear what Bastian Thusgaard can do.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some cool live stuff, long awaited returns, some grossness, and more! To the metals...

Metal Crimes

Weirbach plead guilty to Possession of Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct.

New Music

Hellkeeper, Fange, Disrotted, Devoidov, and more!

It's Just Business

"We have a couple things we're looking at, but right now we're still dealing with the label situation."

New Music

From the 2006 Smear Campaign recording sessions.

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Six Brew Bantha’s Blight.

Dank Slams

Sometimes, just sometimes, the message in slam can be a positive one. This isn't to say slam is a cesspool of negativity. Not at...

Upcoming Releases

Not the Garage, Inc. compilation, which is a different thing.


A few hot reissues coming down the pipeline.

Weekly Injection

This edition features cold medicine fueled ramblings about bands in spooky masks, long-running underdogs/documentary stars, lots of guitar shredding, and more!


Sweet Death and Ecstasy offers a healthy demonstration of Midnight's penchant for writing rebar rigid heavy metal that salutes the rocking past while simultaneously...


Compilation of the progressive instrumental shred project alike Sithu Aye, Aristocrats, Plini...