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Search results for "Elf"

At The Movies

"I'm not doing anything other than an R movie. I like boobs and blood."

Fuck Yes!

We're not worthy!!

Explosions In The Sky, Dinosaur Jr., Dead Can Dance and more.

Black Friday

Read an in-depth feature with the project's mastermind, Andy Marshall, about the history of his homeland, the literature and landscapes that inspired his music,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of epic stuff, lots of old school dudes, lots of weirdness, and lots more! To the metals...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Full Album Stream

"I honestly wished those people could live for just one day with the claustrophobic fear that so many marginalized folks wake up to every...


Have you ever asked yourself, "Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?"

Upcoming Releases

Welcome Alkaline Trio bassist Dan Andriano.


Playing the guitar is the best. The. Best. I have played guitar for 22 years and every single day I feel the same excitement about picking...

Breakups & Shakeups

When Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington passed away on July 20, 2017, fans assumed it would be the end of Linkin Park. But the band...


While the band members may be the meat and potatoes of an album, we often overlook the other major contributors involved in records. In...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes cameo-filled power metal, mid-tempo death metal, mid-tempo black metal, and other-things-to-hyphenate. To-the-metals...

Upcoming Releases

"We're hoping to put a new record out, and we'll just see what happens when it happens."

At The Movies

Plus Peter Berg's production company Film 45.


Well, this is interesting. A few days after Emmure's Frankie Palmeri tried to call out the Static-X reunion as a cash grab, longtime Static...


Rotting Christ keeps railing against religion on their thirteenth album.


I started my 70000 Tons of Metal journey, my first ever cruise, scraping myself out of a bed in Miami Beach. Mornings like this...