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Here's what Corey Taylor thinks, acoustically!


FFO: Between the Buried and Me, Good Tiger, The Contortionist...


Melodic rock/AOR may not be as overtly popular as it was when bands were selling millions, but the “scene” appears to be as strong...


Yes, yes, "what does Corey Taylor think?" We all know the joke.


Slipknot has given us a number of awesome videos over the years. Here are ten of the best...

Upcoming Releases

Apparently two full-lengths last year wasn’t enough to slow down filthy doom purveyors Fistula.


Two years after Tierra, Xibalba return with a brief - as in 10 minutes brief - EP in the form of the three-track Diablo,...

Live Footage

Trivium's Matt Heafy doesn't exactly hide that he's a good singer, and his cover of Radiohead's "Exit Music (For A Film)" only goes to...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Blight Worms I.


It's about soda and... well, smashing bones.

The Wednesday Sludge

Come and discover the psychedelic sludge journey that is Faces of the Bog's Ego Death


Overall, I like Torment, but I’m definitely not in love with it. The musicianship that is immortalized on this album is fantastic, and there...

Full Album Stream

In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we offer up an early stream of Asunder from the Montreal based outfit known as Samskaras.

Bummer Alert

Grim Reaper are one of the cornerstones of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement in the early 80s. Now, frontman Steve Grimmett is...


There are many underground labels doing incredible work. Here are five (well, technically six) labels that stand out!

The Obituarist

Hello and welcome back to The Obituarist… it’s a new year, ladies and gentleman and this marks my 20th (!) edition. My resolution this...


I've always found it a tad strange that Nine Inch Nails aren't regularly included in discussions of significant metal bands. While I'd agree that...


Despite it only being January, 2017 is shaping up to look pretty great in terms of rock and metal releases. We're getting a new...