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Upcoming Releases

Max Cavalera has revealed to Sappenin' Podcast With Sean Smith that he's working on a new Soulfly album, and that it's bringing back some...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Ad Infinitum, Deafheaven, Gama Bomb, Poppy, and Undergang.

Black Metal Chronicles

Winter is coming: the sun is setting earlier in the day. The air is starting to freeze. The dead leaves of autumn are being...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dark Tranquillity, Fuck The Facts, Helvik, Jinjer, Liturgy, and Refused.


Read an in-depth interview with the band's bassist and vocalist about the new record and why Killer Be Killed shouldn't be called a supergroup.


Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....

Full Album Stream

Listen to an exclusive stream of the Denver death metal trio's newest album ahead of its release date and read an in-depth interview with...


Our good friends at Decibel Magazine always seem to be the first out of the gate with a Top Albums list, and that's because...

Music Videos

IT'S ALIVE! Carach Angren's new video for "Franckensteina Strataemontanus" is a not so silent horror  movie, reminiscent of the early 20th century films, that...

It's Just Business

In August, we reported of a German study where 1,500 people gathered in the city of Leipzig for a live performance from singer-songwriter Tim...


Carrying the torch lit by his socially conscious post-hardcore band Letlive since its dissolution in 2017, vocalist and lyricist, Jason Aalon Butler, has taken...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. MÖRK GRYNING – Infernal With Hinsides Vrede being the first release...


AC/DC is one of those bands who has been accused of writing songs that all sound the same. Contrary to popular belief, this is...

Extreme of the Extreme

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time of day you choose for it to be everyone. Welcome to another great Wednesday of Extreme of...


The contributing elements that go into making noise rock an art form that’s at once gloriously transcendent, stridently isolating, sonically punishing, and slyly sarcastic...


If you think castles, ghosts, vampires, and candelabras are rad, then you'll dig this album. If not, well ... nobody's perfect.


The Swedish six-piece unleash their most diverse album so far...


Transitus is an enjoyable and representative Ayreon album, but it can't help but disappoint when compared to virtually all of its predecessors.

New Music

The death metal revival does not ever have to go away. It is an era where the riff is king, and brutality is back...

New Music

Following the disbandment of incredible occult rock band, The Devil's Blood, four of the members have gone on to better pastures with their new...

Music Videos

"It tries to put in music the downward spiral into drug addiction, the subtlest form of slavery."


FFO: System of a Down, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dog Fashion Disco, Mike Patton, etc.