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Weekly Injection

Tomorrow in Manatee Appreciation Day! Today is exciting because of new releases from prog sadsacks, a bunch of quirky metal, brutal shenanigans and more,...


They say they are an art collective. Do you believe them?

Live Footage

Wintersun are promising Time II sometime in the next two decades or so, but that doesn't mean they're opposed to playing new music live....

A Female Perspective

Cronos of Venom makes some comments about frontwomen that get the metal world in an uproar.

Metal Merch

Now it can literally be always time to rock! Say it to all your friends often. They'll love it.

Music Videos

Well they teased it over the weekend and here it is. The first track ever from Veil of Maya to feature clean vocals. How...


The Civil Unrest Tour was announced a few weeks ago to feature the lineup of Otep, Ill Nino, Kittie, 36 Crazyfists and openers Terror...

Upcoming Releases

The band released a teaser parodying Breaking Bad to make the announcement.

Live Footage

I guess this is a good acoustic cover of what is arguably Limp Bizkit's biggest hit. I can't decide though, what do you think?...

Bummer Alert

The metal and rock communities were shocked to learn of the tragic passing of beloved Twisted Sister drummer A.J. Pero late last week. Pero...

Tour Dates

But will it be the band's last show?

Music Videos

Heavy is a word to describe this. Disgusting, insane and low are also words to describe this.

Latest News

You're stoked. Unless you're the type that gets mad about Deafheaven.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off the show with Rob recapping his adventures from SXSW, including a quick call from Godless of the MetalSucks podcast. We followed...

Injection Reflection

Here are this week's top 10 most trending stories… SLIPKNOT's Clown Says His Mask Has "Always Been Trying To Kill Him" A Young Fan...


I dig it! Don't hop on the "LOL OCEANO" train just yet- give this record a spin.


Fruitpochette play their own brand of heavy Japanese girl-pop, and they did it first.