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Two years ago the metal world lost a hero, an inspiration, a brother. Dimebag Darrell Abbott was like no other and lives on in...


When it comes to '80s American thrash, the San Francisco Bay Area and New York are the first places that come to mind. However,...

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I am a native of Alabama where I work at the Union bank.  I had recently gotten a promotion in the union bank business. ...


I cannot wait to be able to take this vacation.  It seems like forever since I have had one.  A few of the girls...

Clip of the Day

Byzantine which is pronounced "BIZ-EN-TEEN" is a band which you should all become familiar with…why?…because they will be here a LONG time in our...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

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Alright, well, its been a few days since I have spouted off my mouth and given some news. I find that a lot of...

Clip of the Day

> INTO ETERNITY have put up their new video "Severe Emotional Distress." The clip was directed by Kevin Wildt. Guitarist/vocalist Tim Roth had this...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip comes from EMPEROR and the song is titled "The Loss And Curse of Reverence". I am a fairly new fan of...

Clip of the Day

Pig Destroyer "Gravedancer" slays period. I have played Pig Destroyer frequently on the Dead Zone so if this video appeals to your morbid mind,...


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...

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Here are a few pieces of news from around the web: > GWAR shot a new video for "Eight Lock" off their recent brutal...

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n00b Ouch. At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia's newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James Webb...

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How to win friends and influence people, by W. Axl Rose: Guns 'N' Roses have lost the support act for their fifteen-date tour after...

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Ok, I don't mean to turn this blog into a gossip column nor do I think that anything Kid Rock does is relevant, but...

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So, as I was taking a massive poop, I was reading the newest issue of Revolver magazine and stumbled across a monthly featured article...

Tour Dates

The promoters of the Maryland Death Fest have announced the finalized lineup for the event, which is set to take place on May 26th...


At The Gates - Bister Verklighet Nasum - God-Slave America Between the Buried and Me - Kickstart My Heart Misery Inc. - Greed Rules...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip is Deicide "Homage For Satan". This may be going out on a big limb, but I do believe that the release...

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For this holiday weekend, there isn't really much going on in the metal world. I guess everyone is taking a break…Monday will be saturated...

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I'm sure you have seen all the hype for the new Tenacious D movie, The Pick of Destiny. Some of you may even be...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip is Aborted "Dead Wreckoning" which is featured on their last album "The Archaic Abattoir". Aborted hails from Belgium and is on...