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It's just Chaney Crabb and Navene Koperweis now.


Eye of Nix’s third album of baroque black/doom metal has a much better production value, but it's still otherworldly in its bizarre beauty.

All proceeds from the download of the cover go to MusicUnites.

Mashups & Covers

Two Minutes to Late Night continue their cover series with a ninth cover featuring members of The Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth, War On Women and Vile Creature covering...

Kids In Metal

We wanted to remind all Metal Injection readers that Father's Day is this Sunday (here's our holiday gift guide which you can reappropriate for...

Mashups & Covers

Specifically the Dio cut "Falling Off the Edge of the World."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a soundtrack to a restaurant, an album that some might argue isn't music, and more! To the...

Celebrity Metalheads

Post Malone surprised David Ellefson on a recent livestream the Megadeth bassist was doing, and during the chat Malone talked about his favorite metal...

Shocking Revelations

Winds of Plague are the latest band whose past actions are being brought up in light of the recent ongoing conversation around the Black...

Music Videos

This new music video from Austin, TX's Transit Method is almost meditative. The video, shot in the woods, almost is calming me after my morning caffeine...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. INGESTED – Dead Seraphic Forms Best cameo video in ages!...

Upcoming Releases

Hey, remember Avenged Sevenfold? Looks like they might be back in your music player rotation sooner than later because the band has been working on...

In The Studio

Yes, Megadeth's new album is being recorded right now.


Dream Squasher doesn't stray too far from the path -(16)- has blazed for the past 29 years—one marked with addictive arrangements and inexorable anger.

Live Footage

As confirmed by Metal Injection yesterday, Code Orange made a "surprise" appearance at WWE NXT: In Your House this weekend performing the title track single...

New Music

From their first new album in four years Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape.