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Schaffer's release is based on a number of conditions.

Around the Interwebs

Finding the musicians and creative collaborators you’re seeking for your band is endlessly frustrating and difficult. Whether you’ve been left on “read” by a...

Shocking Revelations

Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer got more publicity than he could ever ask for today, with the news of his guilty plea in connection to...

Metal Crimes

Schaffer is believed to be cooperating with the government on their overall case.

Scene Report

China is big, and just when I think I am familiar with most of the bands in the extreme metal scene, new ones continuously...

Metal Science

The study noted metalheads are more prone to systemizing, or logic-based thinking.


Metal finds its way back into the mix on the latest outing from these Russian masters of ambient and neofolk.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Bridge Burner, Frayle, Fuoco Fatuo, Wode, and Odd Circus.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a full album stream of Bridge Burner’s Disempath.

Metal Crimes

Last week, a federal judge ruled that Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer will remain in jail until the beginning of his trial, where he's being charged with eight...

Shocking Revelations

What is with rock guys that get so triggered by Cardi B shaking her ass? John Cooper, frontman of Christian rock back Skillet, who...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with the premiere of Estuarine’s Nyarlathotep. If one were to psychologically describe the events...


Portugal's Gothic metal pioneers Moonspell are closing in on their 30 year anniversary, with no signs in slowing down on both output and inner-fire....


Max Cavalera is once again discussing his departure from Sepultura, and perhaps in the most detail he's given in a while. Max spoke to...

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Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor seems to be itching to get back on the road, pandemic be damned. He revealed that he's planning some solo...

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Paul 'Hammy' Halmshaw, founder of Peaceville Records has revealed that he is suffering from a terminal illness and has started a crowdfunding campaign to...