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Lyric video, pre-sale for the shirt, and album information are all in here!


Looks like The Haarp Machine is gearing up for live shows?

Fuck Yes!

Slipknot stand in solidarity with their LGBTQ+ fans.


Witherscape are a potent rising force in prog. They just need to take a little bit more time to develop.

Latest News

Gene Hoglan on the new Galaktikon album: "“It’s not a Dethklok record, but it’s a fucking Dethklok record! It sounds exactly like Dethklok, the...

Song Premiere

Gravity shifts, the planet shakes, and this one-man Black Metal force emerges with new music.


Part of the draw can be found beneath all the gibberish blast beats and inaudible vocals

Tour Dates

America is about to be astonished. Again.

Music Videos

Does King 810 want to be metal anymore?


Ex-Obscura guitarist Fountainhead is very close to releasing a brand new solo album called Reverse Engineering. A few days ahead of its release, we've...


Boasting a former member of Yakuza, Chicago-based sludge metal outfit Scientist released their album 10100||00101 late last year, which is probably part of the reason why it flew...


It's like power metal, late-era Dimmu Borgir with clean female vocals.


Panzerbastard might not be our generations Motorhead, but they still fucking rule.

br00tal Comedy

We've seen many unique covers of Meshuggah's "Bleed" including acapella, smooth jazz, sitar, and using kitchen instruments but Youtube user The Algorithm takes it to another level...

Music Videos

Yes! We're so close to new music from Neurosis. The band will release Fires Within Fires on September 23rd via their own Neurot Recordings...