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Space Basement is grotesque. Space Basement is the product of a band that knows how to create an absolutely filthy, distorted, grimy sound that...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to July junkies. The month is starting off a little quiet but there are still a few tasty releases from one of the bands...


The festival hook-up revolution is here!

Bummer Alert

Earlier today, we published our review of the metal project from Ice T, Body Count and their return album, Manslaughter. The album's title track deals with...


The drama between Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only over the Misfits trademarks continues. You may recall that back in May, Glenn Danzig filed a...


At the Gates have issued another update from Studio Fredman in Göteborg, Sweden, the studio where they are recording their new album, At War With Reality due...


On Manslaughter, it's obvious that Ice-T and Ernie C took their time crafting each song, and the polished production is undoubtedly the result of...


Anyone who says Metallica don't know how to laugh hasn't seen any of this yet.

RIP a Livecast

It was only Rob and 3D for this edition of the Livecast. Noa called in from Israel and Sid was not on-air for personal...

It's Just Business

About a year ago, Canadian officials wanted to tax foreign bands coming into the country to play shows. When we initially wrote about it,...

Tour Dates

There will be many blast beats, beers and blown-out ear drums.

Latest News

San Francisco's Botanist is likely the weirdest, most unorthodox black metal band working today.

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Didn't Slipknot say that people equal shit?

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"I am the only gay in the village! I ain’t having this!"

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Rising from their grave, Brains are back to do up 70's rock worship better than most bands trying right now.

Earnings & Attendance

Check out our previous Earnings & Attendance Reports. How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat,...

Latest News

Jari Mäenpää only wants to continue making sweet, sweet metal.

It's Just Business

We're really digging the new Conquering Dystopia record. The band is an all-star group of-sorts featuring shredders Keith Merrow & Jeff Loomis, Cannibal Corpse's...


Remember when Orgy tried to crowdfund $100,000 for their new album and failed miserably? We all had a good laugh and moved on with...