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Show Recap

The following words and photos were submitted by Walter Navarro Peremarti At this point you should already know Wormrot are back in town and they...

Around the Interwebs

He also tells a hilarious Hulk Hogan anecdote.

Shocking Revelations

Mancino said of his relationship with Lambesis: "I hope that eventually we can communicate again, but things didn’t necessarily end on a high note."

Upcoming Releases

Well this is the best news I’ve heard all day! You might have heard us go on, and on, and on about the prince...

It's Just Business

It is no coincidence that the release is scheduled for one week before the band's new album, likely to undercut some sales, or possibly...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some doom, some madness, some nostalgia, and more. To the metals...


Time to party like it's 1999 all over again.

Dank Slams

See, there is this guy we know. This dude… man… he knows his shit! Having literally helped in the forging of alien/space-drenched slam (with...


Love them or hate them, Korn has made a mark and proven their worth to stay in the game.


Looks like old friends made up…

Music Videos

It looks like an old character selection screen from Mortal Kombat.

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank catches up with the always creepy hilarious Devin Townsend while on tour for his latest album, Transcendence, to play a game of Devin...

br00tal Comedy

I'm a big fan of these Sock Puppet Parodies – these puppetters clearly take this seriously and always deliver a highly polished parody that...

Latest News

As assumed by the teases on their "deathbot" on their official website, today, Avenged Sevenfold confirmed they will be holding a "must see live...

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Unless someone else is using Kreator's logo.