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Upcoming Releases

There's a slight wrench in Metallica's plan of writing new music, they can't exactly do it over Zoom, due to technological limitations that end...

Song Premiere

Nitesoil are set to release their debut EP, Abusement Park, this Friday, November 6th, but before they do, they want to give you one last...

Metal Science

Greek black metal brothers Sakis and Themis Tolis of Rotting Christ have been immortalized by having a newly discovered fossil species named after them!...


The British death metal butchers return to glory on a terse and raging EP.


This footage, which claims to be the first Rage Against the Machine concert ever, is pretty fascinating to watch. Beyond hearing these songs in...

Music Videos

A Whisp of the Atlantic is due out in December.


"Hey, we ALL agreed to halt at red light even if there's no traffic, right?"

Full Album Stream

Read an in-depth interview with the Colorado black metal band and listen to an exclusive stream of their brand new album.

Bummer Alert

"If it were to happen, it would be in such a drastically different context than what a fan would be thinking of. "


If you think castles, ghosts, vampires, and candelabras are rad, then you'll dig this album. If not, well ... nobody's perfect.


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


The second half of The Ocean's Phanerozoic dualogy uses kaleidoscopic heaviness to relate the human condition to a 541-million-year cosmic tragedy.


A good chunk of May You Be Held finds Sumac leaving metal behind in favor of non-linear, textural explorations.

Latest News

"Just cause you survive doesn’t mean you’re fine."


The Portland, Maine band delivers a strong effort on their new album.

This Is Just A Tribute

It's been a very difficult week for the members of Power Trip, having learned their frontman Riley Gale unexpectedly passed away. Tributes have been...

Latest News

If I can be honest here, this week has been rough for me, ever since hearing of the untimely passing of Power Trip vocalist...

Metal In The Mainstream

"We laughed at how some people think it's wrong for people who disagree to be friends."