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Best of 2020

I asked the staff at Metal Injection to contribute their five favorite albums of 2020 so far with brief words why they picked them....

New Music

Previously only available in a box set.

Music Videos

A sludgy crawl through razors and the ensuing anguished screams.

Latest News

Morricone died earlier today at 91 years old.

Upcoming Releases

"I'm basically just focusing on writing new music and recording demos."

New Music

One of the most anticipated albums of the summer.

Upcoming Releases

Metallica members have teased that the band are in the early stages of making a new album in quarantine. Earlier this month, Lars revealed...

New Music

FFO: Swallow the Sun, Shape of Despair, Daylight Dies, Opeth, Mournful Congregation & Evoken.

Upcoming Releases

They were on a break the past few years.

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. SPIRIT ADRIFT – Angel & Abyss SA's new Bandcamp benefit EP for...

New Music

It's an exceptionally brutal effort, even for Full of Hell.


Despite some formulaic moments along the way, Virus improves upon virtually everything that gave Vector its identity.

Latest News

It's the 2020 lineup minus Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Ty Segall & The Freedom Band, and Crowbar.

Live Footage

Specifically at the Auditorio John Lennon in Getafe, Spain on May 31, 2008.

Record Sales

Rage Against the Machine is protest music! Two weeks ago, their music reentered the Billboard charts, and now Billboard has done a study of their streaming numbers, seeing...