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A good chunk of May You Be Held finds Sumac leaving metal behind in favor of non-linear, textural explorations.


Pharos is perhaps the most succinct yet powerful example yet of Ihsahn's knack for crafting beautifully dense, emotional, and intense compositions.


Sweden's resident power-pop-metalcore-symphonic-cinematic (not an actual sub-genre of metal, but they're hard to define, right?) metallers Amaranthe are low-key one of the busiest bands...

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You will be able to see former Dream Theater bandmates John Petrucci and Mike Portnoy tour together… eventually. That's what Petrucci noted in a recent...

New Music

All proceeds will be donated to brain tumor research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

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"So there’s all these weird theories about the eyes and it’s kind of crazy."

It's Just Business

Perhaps this is why they changed their music guidelines last week.


They are one of the game-changing bands in all of extreme metal, a pillar of the mid 90s change in trend and genre in...

Music Videos

"We wanted something visually compelling and mind-twisting."

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"It's going to be the best-sounding record we've ever done."

Injection Reflection

Another week of summer gone. It's almost over officially. Here's what you missed this week: DAVE MUSTAINE Talks How Much Coke MEGADETH Did on Rust...

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An old friend is back in the fold.

New Music

Their first with ex-Arch Enemy and Andromeda members!

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The artwork has surfaced and a new single is expected tomorrow.

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It's for the track "Fallen Dreams" off their Medium Rarities compilation.


"I wanted [Terminal Velocity] to reflect my identity and be my opportunity to say, 'Here’s what I’m all about.'"

Celebrity Metalheads

It's inarguable that Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea is one of the greatest bassists of all time. The man understands groove. Earlier this...

Mustaine Mania

The interview covered a lot of ground including his current thoughts on his former Rust In Peace-era bandmates, guitarist Marty Friedman and drummer Nick...

In The Studio

According to bassist and vocalist Troy Sanders, Mastodon is ready to hit the studio for their new album. In an interview with the Let...

New Music

France's cinematic metal titans Hypno5e know how to tell a story, going full on Christopher Nolan epic-mindbender in their 2019 album A Distant (Dark) Source....

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Megadeth's 2013 album Super Collider might be the band's most outright disliked album in their whole discography. Though 1991's album Risk, which was more...