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Search results for "Studio"


I will adamantly attest that Denver’s Primitive Man is the heaviest band on the planet. The sludge-ridden doom trio expertly blankets their compositions in...

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Psychedelic rock band Earthless has not yet abandon you all.

Upcoming Releases

Dudes have been putting out a lot of music lately.


The Kingdom of Avatar is a much darker place these days. Amidst a global pandemic and socio-political strife across the globe, Sweden's theatrical-metal juggernauts...

New Music

"It is a song that expresses and embodies the emptiness of loss."

At The Movies

"We said to go from 1979 to 1996. I can't say too much."

Live Footage

From their digital performance at the European Metal Festival Alliance.

Upcoming Releases

Ol' Drake is the band's new vocalist.

New Music

Any new Patton is good for us!


"Nobody has ever called me and said, 'By the way, you're not the current drummer'"

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We were stunned to report, earlier this month, that another metal band has come under charges from the Iranian government. Iranian death metal band...


One of the OGs of metalcore, Misery Signals gave fans proper time to stew ahead of the release of their fourth studio album Ultraviolet....


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

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Featuring members of Anthrax and Slayer.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out what Metallica's recent tweets are hinting at. The band will be playing The Howard Stern Show on...

New Music

Boris is unstoppable this year.

In The Studio

Maybe with some eight string guitar?

New Music

With basically a whole new lineup.

New Music

System of a Down aren't going to be releasing music anytime soon, so all the members seem immersed in projects of their own. Bassist...