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Search results for "VI"

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With the government-imposed lockdowns in the United States, we're going to sadly be seeing a lot of stories like this. Due to the lockdown...

Metal Science

Somebody call Tom Araya!

Tour Dates

The coronavirus ripple effect is taking its hold on the metal scene. As Norway has banned all public events through the end of April...

Latest News

Over coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fears.

You know them from their covers of bands like Tool and Rage Against the Machine.

New Music

Featuring tons of really underground jams from the 60s and 70s.

Upcoming Releases

"I'm going to do some writing, I guess, in April."

New Music

Tight riffs and anthemic choruses? Yes please!

Latest News

Unsurprising given the cancellation of everything else.


Ozzy Osbourne, political analyst.

Gear Gods

Mark Morton and Willie Adler are real good at guitar.

Extreme of the Extreme

Hello, and happy Wednesday! Just a quick reminder all other editions of Extreme of the Extreme can be found HERE! Now without further adieu, on...