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It's Tuesday, so it's a good day for a face ripping, isn't it?

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Three tracks of death metal coming your way, kids.

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One might not expect brutal death metal to come from the plains of South Dakota, but Angerot is here to slay any notion of...

Tour Dates

"[This is] a respectful and loving tribute to three spectacular musicians, songwriters, legends and friends."

Tour Dates

They're repeating the cities from their 1995 tour.

Tour Dates

The tours just don't stop. So many big tours are coming this summer, and we can add another to the list. Korn and Faith...


Les Claypool and the dudes are back for a brief time.

New Music

In reference to the lunar eclipse, Super Blood Wolf Moon.

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Mikael Åkerfeldt has been advised to rest.

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You really need to get into this band.

Live Footage

Also, please don't break anything while moshing at home.


Some friends really have weird requests of what do with their ashes, it seems. While traditionally, you could expect ashes to be put in...

Live Footage

Thirteen songs including the new song "Checkmate."