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Search results for "ACDC"

Matching Tags: ACDC


International touring! Surprise gig tomorrow!


Axl Rose and AC/DC in the same place at the same time? Oh shit, the rumors might be true!


He claims it's a done deal.

Injection Reflection

Also: Warped Tour lineup, drummer backflips, Sepultura drama

Tour Dates

Guns N Roses US tour is officially confirmed.


This could be really big!

So much metal on these Got Talent shows lately, luckily the judges on Spain's Got Talent responded better than the ones who heard this...


AC/DC drama incoming!

Injection Reflection

Plus different types of blast beats, Bring Me The Horizon teach Granny how to growl and more.

Earnings & Attendance

Also numbers for Between the Buried and Me, Deep Purple, Korn and more.

Injection Reflection

Plus stream the new After The Burial album, Bring Me the Horizon vs. Coldplay and more

Bummer Alert

The last few hours have been a whirlwind, trying to cover the ongoing terrorist attack of the Paris venue Bataclan, where 100 people have...

Injection Reflection

This week was quite the bummer with the loss of After The Burial guitarist Justin Lowe. He continues to be in our thoughts… AFTER...


Surprisingly it's not with Phil Rudd trying to kill you.

Metal Crimes

Phil Rudd is a rock and roll hero!

Metal Crimes

Less than two weeks after being sentenced to house arrest, Rudd is arrested again!

Metal Crimes

Phil Rudd is a lucky man.

Metal Merch

When you tilt, the machine murders you! Spooky!

Music Videos

RUN TO THE HILLS, Y'ALL! THEM THERE'S A BEAR... or some shit. I live in the suburbs.

I hope he sings "Tiny Bubbles" and immolates people.