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Around the Interwebs

The flamethrowing guitarist was just the coolest!

Upcoming Releases

"We're listening to [the song], and none of us knew who was doing [the lead]. I went, 'No, that's… Wait. That's Brian.' And Brian's,...

Injection Reflection

It's Memorial Day weekend! That means things will be slow on Monday but we'll return to regularly scheduled programming on Tuesday. All The Metal...

Metal Crimes

Phil Rudd is really really sorry, promise he won't do it again.

br00tal Comedy

Finnish hillbillies Steve ‘N’ Seagulls are back with another cover, this time of a Metallica classic. Their new album, Farm Machine, comes out on...

Metal Crimes

Rudd was caught with a whole lotta weed and some meth while being arrested for threatening to kill somebody.

Seriously, they absolutely nail it!

Tour Dates

This might be your last chance to dance.

Metal In The Mainstream



How will he learn all those songs in time?

Metal In The Mainstream

They will be the lone representation of hard rock at the Grammys.


The question is would AC/DC even take him back?

Metal Crimes

Rudd has no f*cks left to give.


AC/DC released the title track of their new album, Rock Or Bust. Even though you probably haven't heard it yet, you know exactly what...

Injection Reflection

It was a dramatic week in the world of metal. Here are this week's most trending stories: Here's Brendon Small's Perfect Response to Nicki...


"He's not the Phil we've known from the past."

Music Videos

If there is a shittier video that came out this year, I haven't seen it yet!

Injection Reflection

This week began with tragedy with the loss of Wayne Static. It ended with the crazy arrest of Phil Rudd. Eventful to say the...