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At The Movies

The Suicide Squad don't listen to Cold do they?

Shocking Revelations

We've been hearing a lot of interesting opinions of the debate over the Confederate flag lately. Ever since the racist shootings in South Carolina,...


Corey Taylor has no time for rock star bullshit.


Hello Death Metal mongrels,  Trevor Strnad, the Obituarist here with another column, this time on one of my favorite drummers from the brutal scene...


We consider Scott Vogel a poet around these parts ("Can I have more stagedives in the monitors, please?), so when Scott wanted to submit...

Upcoming Releases

It's Skrillex! Okay fine, no it isn't... maybe.

Latest News

I am still metaphorically hung over from the incredible time last night on the RIP a Livecast that we had with Lamb of God...

Today I Learned

Hint: The same guy who Ozzy is going around calling fat and out of shape.

Latest News

I have spent the better part of the last few days reading Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe's new memoir, Dark Days, in anticipation...

Injection Reflection

Barring a breaking story, we're taking tomorrow off in observance of the July 4th holiday. So here are this week's most trending stories: PUDDLE...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at...


Mastodon's Brann Dailor and Bill Kelliher, the two resident metalheads of Mastodon, went recording shopping in Amoeba Music in Hollywood and picked up some not-so-metal...

Shocking Revelations

"Any type of propagating hate toward any race or any group of people is not my bag at all."

Latest News

And the award for "Most Dedicated Metal Fan of 2015" goes to...

Injection Reflection

What an insane week this has been for metal news. Here's what you missed: MASTODON's Brent Hinds: "I Fucking Hate Heavy Metal and I...

Song Premiere

We're so pumped to premiere this killer new track from Ramming Speed, the absolute ripper "Don't Let This Stay Here." The band just released...


This is the sound people make when they're being hacked in half.