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Search results for "Fucking"


Hate Eternal had some bad luck recently, when frontman Erik Rutan injured his hand on their recent tour, forcing them to pull out of...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to mildlyangryjohnny who had the best zinger: [WHY IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO SNIP YOUR WIRES TO...


Pull up the Michael Jackson popcorn GIF, this is getting good!

Weekly Injection

As of this post's publication, I'm dying in Arizona. Too fucking hot, too fucking desert. I picked a great week to take some new...

Latest News

Apparently this isn't Deicide's fault.


When Gojira bassist Jean-Michel Labadie isn't up on stage rocking the fucking house, he chooses to unwind in a very interesting way… by doing...


This is chunky to a whole new realm of chunky.


Featuring Last Chance to Reason's drummer and a mastering job by a death metal legend!

Weekly Injection

The Tuesday version of this piece is coming to a close this month in favor of a Friday one. Look forward to this?!? Anywhoozle,...


Things don't look good for Radke.

Latest News

A new record for the first time since 2008? Holy shit.

Music Videos

It's punkishly heavy the video is a retro horror flick. Where the hell do you lose?

Upcoming Releases

Holy shit a new Windhand record. Everyone shut up.