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Today I Learned

The word Kerry was looking for is actually "unrepentant"

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No word on the cause of bassist' ailments yet.

Show Recap

2015's most solid progressive metal bill to date hit Sacramento, and I was there to gush about it.

Shocking Revelations

Slayer guitarist Kerry King is not a man who sugar coats.

Latest News

In January, reports surfaced from the divorce filings of Lita Ford and her estranged husband. Jim Gillette, that her children feared that Ford would...

RIP a Livecast

We started the show discussing the controversial statements Hulk Hogan made about black people that were recently uncovered. We then spoke with bassist Bryan...


To say that the three years between VII: Sturm Und Drang and 2012's Resolution have been traumatic for the members of Lamb of God would be a tragic understatement. With...

Weekly Injection

This week is stacked. New releases from legends, future legends, weird shit, and more! To the metals…


Metal, like punk rock, was born in a cold, industrial city. While punk’s ancestral homeland is the embattled, riot-weary Detroit of the late 1960s,...


Tell us how you really feel, Kerry!



At The Movies

The Suicide Squad don't listen to Cold do they?

Shocking Revelations

We've been hearing a lot of interesting opinions of the debate over the Confederate flag lately. Ever since the racist shootings in South Carolina,...


Corey Taylor has no time for rock star bullshit.


Hello Death Metal mongrels,  Trevor Strnad, the Obituarist here with another column, this time on one of my favorite drummers from the brutal scene...


We consider Scott Vogel a poet around these parts ("Can I have more stagedives in the monitors, please?), so when Scott wanted to submit...