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Featuring Last Chance to Reason's drummer and a mastering job by a death metal legend!

Weekly Injection

The Tuesday version of this piece is coming to a close this month in favor of a Friday one. Look forward to this?!? Anywhoozle,...


Things don't look good for Radke.

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A new record for the first time since 2008? Holy shit.

Music Videos

It's punkishly heavy the video is a retro horror flick. Where the hell do you lose?

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Five years later and it's new record time!

Weekly Injection

This edition is a doozy, and who doesn't love a doozy! Rhythmic melodic upstarts, fist-in-the-air veterans, doom, goblins, and more! To the metals…


Not the black metal you're expecting, but it's still awesome.

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at...

Upcoming Releases

"We're listening to [the song], and none of us knew who was doing [the lead]. I went, 'No, that's… Wait. That's Brian.' And Brian's,...

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The Slipknot frontman eventually took a liking to Lamb of God's vocalist.


Oh look, another fucking fantastic song from Vattnet Viskar.

Fuck Yes!

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."

Upcoming Releases

Oh look, yet another amazing progressive metal release!