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Endon is a quintet that is no stranger to creating claustrophobic soul violence seen through the cracked lens of a kaleidoscope.

Music Videos

Weird title, awesome song. As East Of The Wall generally does.

New Music

The always experimental Vaura, currently featuring Josh Strawn (Azar Swan) on vocals, guitar and synthesizers, Kevin Hufnagel (Gorguts, Dysrhythmia) on guitar, Toby Driver (Kayo...


The British metalcore chart invaders notch up another win...


The Verdict is not only the superlative entry in the La Torre era thus far, but it’s easily one of their best outings in...

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Gets Worse Snubbed.

Upcoming Releases

Also current and former members of Cynic, Entheos, Obscura and Nile.

Black Friday

Read an in-depth feature with the project's mastermind, Andy Marshall, about the history of his homeland, the literature and landscapes that inspired his music,...

Full Album Stream

"I honestly wished those people could live for just one day with the claustrophobic fear that so many marginalized folks wake up to every...


The baton has been passed, according to Taylor.


The reiteration of cherished classics isn't always a effort well-executed or well-received. I feared that The Door to Doom, the newest album from legendary metal...


Playing the guitar is the best. The. Best. I have played guitar for 22 years and every single day I feel the same excitement about picking...


Many bands who have been around for decades tend to slow the pace of releases as the years go on. Not so with New...

Injection Reflection

I'm glad this week is over, and it would be nice if winter was over as well. I guess I could just move to...

New Music

"Dopamine' reveals the deepest moments of rejection and rebellion found on Undying Light."


Rotting Christ keeps railing against religion on their thirteenth album.

Upcoming Releases

Despite founding drummer, and sole original member, Bill Bumgardner's untimely death in 2016, Chicago blackened sludge vets Lord Mantis are carrying along as the...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

Full Album Stream

Take a seat, lay down, or better yet, lay in a hole. Liverpool's Coltsblood and Seattle's Un have teamed up for a brand new split filled...

New Music

Inter Arma will release Sulphur English on April 12.