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The baton has been passed, according to Taylor.

imagine dragons nickelback

Corey Taylor famously feuded with Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger in 2017, when the Nickelback frontman called out Corey Taylor and Stone Soursaying they were "Nickelback lite" and challenged them to write a hit song. Taylor fired back twice, saying Chad Kroeger has a face like a foot, and that Kroeger's music is basically the KFC of rock, but eventually the beef was settled.

Flash forward to 2019, and Taylor sort of defended Nickelback?!

In a new conversation on Jonesy's Jukebox hosted by legendary Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones, Taylor was talking about his solo shows and Jonesy jokingly asked if Taylor would be performing Nickelback covers.

When Jones called Nickelback the "scapegoat" of rock, Taylor agreed but took things a bit further: "However, they are passing the baton to Imagine Dragons right now and I love it."

Now living in Vegas, Taylor realized he could be setting a target on his back.

"They're awful — so that's cool. And they're from Vegas, so I'm gonna go home to protests. Can't show my face in this town now." Taylor says with a laugh. "Yeah, people are slowly coming back to appreciate Nickelback and then just turning their irksome ire towards Imagine Dragons."

Taylor immediately joked "Be prepared for this to turn into 20 clickbait news stories though, by the way."

Hey, Corey – the fans care what you think!

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