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Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...

Upcoming Releases

Don't hold your breath for Mastodon screaming anytime soon.

Metal Crimes

Police said gunshots were fired at the venue around 7:10 p.m with the brawl taking place inside and including knives, bats and machetes.


Thomas Gabriel Fischer has always been a reluctant ringbearer. Though fiercely proud of his artistic legacy, he's often seemed on unsure footing when he...

br00tal Comedy

Lie Or Liar might be trolling us (LOL anyone?!) but either way, their new track PARANOIAC! is the best terrible song I've heard so...

Shocking Revelations

A lot of issues and lingering questions have been addressed.

Show Recap

On Monday March 17th, everyone’s other, other favorite progressive band from Canada descended on The Assembly in Sacramento to headline an eclectic evening of...


Our photographer Rodrigo Fredes was out thrashing at the Destruction, Krisiun show and had this to report back: Thrash metal legends Destruction and Brazilian Death...

Latest News

Alissa White-Gluz says she wanted to stay on with The Agonist, but the band thought it'd be best to get a new singer.

METAL Injection

Orcultus is a band that would like to remain anonymous. So there’s your history. And yeah, that’s really it.


For a lot of people, one of the enduring attractions to heavy metal is the technical proficiency many of the genre's musicians possess. Without...

Latest News

Solo record of the year? Solo record of the year.

Latest News

New Machine Head is coming and it sounds like it's going to be amazing.

Latest News

If all the teases are true, this will be the most amazing Summer Slaughter.


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...

Weekly Injection

Not too many big releases this week, but there is certainly a diverse batch of records dropping.  This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION...


Welcome friends to the annual MSRcast rewind. This is the second part of our look back at our favorite releases from the past year....

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Deathspell Omega is a band of sheer immensity. They incorporate the very essence of the word “bestial” when you listen to them.


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.