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Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Best of 2014

I said it last year, and I'll say it again. I love making lists, so you'll spot a couple other lists below my album...

Best of 2014

I make no pretense that these are objectively the best albums of the year, just the ones that had the biggest impact on me...

Best of 2014

Picks include Opeth, Slipknot, Scar Symmetry and some bands you may not have heard of.

Latest News

If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...

Upcoming Releases

Venom are one of the most important bands in extreme metal's history, as their second album, 1982's Black Metal, helped jump start an entire...


Australia's grind trio are gearing up to kill everything.

Weekly Injection

It's officially peanut butter trees season. Pardon me while I get fat. This edition includes tech, atmosphere, dissonance, and more! To the metals…

Weekly Injection

Morning y'all. This week's edition features Bloodbath and some other stuff. To the metals…

Weekly Injection

With this week in the books, I can start prepping my end of the year list. There will be a few other ear catching...


Blut Aus Nord and its mastermind Vindsval are primarily associated with boundary shifting experimentation within the musical realm of black metal. The ultra-prolific unit...


Black metal. It's everywhere. So thus begs the question of what's worth approaching and what's worth tossing aside? The saturation of the genre can...


What is fast, melodic, technical, progressive, and still heavy? Many things actually, but none of which can compare to Earthborn Evolution, the latest discharge...


After years of talking about it, Devin Townsend has returned with Ziltoid in tow. This time they bring us two discs full of songs...

Weekly Injection

Most weeks I peak ahead to see just how much good stuff is coming out, and didn't this week for some reason. I was...


There is power metal that apes and perpetuates those old school tropes, and then there is the brooding, doom-edged metal of Sanctuary. The Year...


Puig Destroyer, baseball's only grind band, I think, has unleashed their first album via No Sleep Records. Some of you may have heard of...


Crossover thrash supergroup Iron Reagan strip away the sanctimoniousness of socially conscious extreme music and replace it with vaguely political anger that almost any...


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.

Weekly Injection

As I teased last week, this week'd WEEKLY INJECTION is packed. It features THREE prog bands dropping live releases, English fuzz, Portland doom, Norwegian black...