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The words "death metal" and "blastbeats" are thrown around in here.

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They're gonna call it In Opethestadon... Flames. Band. 2000.

Live Footage

Here is the set list: 0:00 The Devil's Orchard 7:17 Heir Apparent 17:47 Hope Leaves 24:00 Deliverance 39:05 Blackwater Park Watch all the pro-shot...


...and we like it!

Sick Art

Now when can we hear some music?

Bummer Alert

First single being released next month.


It was promised to be released yesterday but still hasn't arrived.

Upcoming Releases

The band's new album comes out June 17th on Roadrunner Records.

Injection Reflection

Take a look back at this week's biggest stories.

Metal Injection Exclusives

"I kind of reevaluated what I think is heavy in the last couple of years and turning up the distortion and tuning down and...

Upcoming Releases

Three months until new Opeth? HOLY CRAP!

Upcoming Releases

Opeth knows metalheads can read!

Upcoming Releases

Åkerfeldt says there will be natural strings and one song is a total rip off of Goblin.


Opeth frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt is pretty overt in his love of non-metal genres, to the point where it's become a prominent sound the band's...


Martin Lopez's (ex-Opeth, Soen) band Fifth to Infinity has had a rough 16 years. They formed in 1997, almost had a debut album in...

Upcoming Releases

Opeth split their fan base pretty heavily when it came to their last album, Heritage, and while they show no signs of stopping with...

Fuck Yes!

I've always been tempted to take a trip to Tilburg in the Netherlands for Roadburn but for one reason or another, I never made...


Greg reviewed the new Lalu album, Atomic Ark, last week calling it "a much more refined and mature approach on crafting progressive metal." While...

Latest News

Bloodbath released their last studio album, The Fathomless Mastery, in 2008, and last live effort, Bloodbath Over Bloodstock, 2011. Then they lost vocalist Mikael Åkerfeldt...

Latest News

Well then! Opeth are apparently making some big strides toward writing their next record, and Mikael even makes some references to their super early work. What...

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week here at Metal Injection studios, and we're glad it's time to kick back and relax for the weekend. Here...