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OPETH Reveal Title, Release Date of New Album

The band's new album comes out June 17th on Roadrunner Records.

The band's new album comes out June 17th on Roadrunner Records.

It's all happening. A few weeks back, I interviewed Opeth and they told me they expect their new album to be out in June. They weren't lying.

Today, the band announced their new album, which will be their 11th studio album is titled Pale Communion and will be released June 17th via Roadrunner Records. The album was co-produced by frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt and longtime collaborator Steven Wilson (of Porcupine Tree fame).

We're really excited about the new album, and if you missed it, our own Greg Kennelty has already posted a very detailed track-by-track review of the album. Greg has stated “This record knows exactly what it's doing and nails it through and through… one of my favorite records of 2014. If not my favorite record of 2014.” Here is the official tracklisting:

  1. Eternal Rains Will Come
  2. Cusp of Eternity
  3. Moon Above, Sun Below
  4. Elysian Woes
  5. Goblin
  6. River
  7. Voice of Treason
  8. Faith in Others

The first taste of new music will come on May 6th, four weeks from today, when the band releases it's lead single “Cusp of Eternity.”

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Two songs have noticeably been absent for too long.