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Matching Tags: tesseract

Record Sales

May was not the best month for rock and metal, but it wasn't the worst. Overall, listenership only grew by 0.58% vs. 5.25% the...

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Music Videos

Brand new hardcore/thrash crossover band Cage Fight, featuring TesseracT guitarist James Monteith and former Eths vocalist Rachel Aspe, have unveiled a bruiser of a...

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

New Music

An immensely compelling fusion of prog/folk metal mastery and psychotropic imagery.

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...

Music Videos

Last year, Pakistani djent/prog metallers Takatak blew me away with their tantalizing album, Acrophase. Borrowing elements from Tesseract, Periphery, and Animals as Leaders, the...


In 2011, we had a poll of our readers, an annual tradition, to vote on what you thought were the best metal albums of...


Okay, so this list made me a little uncomfortable. Apparently, 2011 wasn't "just a couple of years ago" anymore. 10 years really flies when...

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...

Best of 2020

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, and anyone else who is beautiful enough to click on this album of the...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Silent Skies, Daniel Tompkins, Children Of Technology, and Wombbath.


Ruins does precisely what an album of its kind should do: honor the crucial elements of its templates amidst adding enough distinguishing features to...

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...


Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza shopping for metal heads may not be easy, so we have a few suggestions.

New Music

Episode #2 of Drumception 2020 is here, pairing up drums by producer/mixer/engineer and Fit For an Autopsy songwriter Will Putney with Intervals mastermind/guitarist Aaron...

Latest News

With Covid-19 still active across the globe, the metal community is sincerely missing their live shows and festivals. Luckily, many bands are getting creative...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...

Record Sales

September wasn't a bad month for rock and metal. overall the listens grew by 1.71%, slightly down up from 2.49% last month. The biggest...