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Search results for "Corpse"

Decibel's Extremely Extreme Podcast

Albert and Andrew interview Decibel publisher Alex Mulcahy and talk shop with members of the three bands leading the 2013 Decibel Magazine Tour–Paul Mazurkiewicz of Cannibal...

Latest News

We're big fans of the King of Metal, comedian Dave Hill. So much so, that we have given him free reign in the past...


I'm so excited there is new GWWWWAAARRRR. Yes, yes, yes, yessss!!! 


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...


Autopsy are elders of death metal – their 1989 debut Severed Survival being preceded by few others, and founding member Chris Reifert played drums on Scream Bloody...

br00tal Comedy

Move over Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth and Slipknot, a new band has gone Radio Disney! Another great mashup/remix by Andy Rehfeldt. Buy Andy a beer. Watch...

Latest News

So you know that super brutal tune "99 Bottles of Beer" that's not in the least bit irritating? Yeah, apparently 99 metal bands will...

Tour Dates

Rob Zombie announced that he'd be doing his Great American Nightmare Festival in October and November of this year in Los Angeles. It sounds...

At The Movies

Did you know Rob Zombie's new movie, The Lords of Salem has been out for a month now? Chances are you didn't, or perhaps...


Just the name Grime is about all you need to take away to get an idea of whether you'll like their material or not....

Latest News

Dave Ingram, who's best known as the dude who replaced Barney Greenway in Benediction when Greenway decided to front Napalm Death full time and who sang on...

Upcoming Releases

Watain announce their fifth record to be The Wild Hunt and set the release date to be August 19 in Europe and August 20...

Open Metacast

Finishing up this episode while recovering from the amazing convention known as Penguicon which happened this weekend. One of the highlights was one of...

Latest News

Tim Lambesis (As I Lay Dying, Austrian Death Machine) now fronts up a solid death metal act called Pyrithion. He has also had some...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Fuck Yes!

I just got way more excited for the new album from Battlecross, the band have announced they have recruited former the Black Dahlia Murder drummer Shannon Lucas...

Injection Reflection

It's been an eventful week in metal. A few tours were announced, we posted some silly videos and bands were resurrected. Here are the...

Tour Dates

I have yet to make it to a GWAR-B-Q, but it looks like this is the year for me to do it. The band...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Latest News

Who's in the mood for some new music from New York's own death metal juggernaut, Immolation? The band just released a lyric video for the title...

METAL Injection

An ominous chorus begins to swell as a deadpan drum is beaten in the background. A voice comes onto the microphone like a demonic...

Weekly Injection

Holy shit! In stark contrast to last week, the labels seem to be operating under the assumption that you have plenty of capital left...