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Search results for "dancing"

Shocking Revelations

These days, Jason Newsted seems to be having a great time playing cover songs with Jason Newsted and the Chophouse Band. But before that,...

Scene Report

Synchronized dancing, cute sing-along vocals related to chocolate or girls in elevators. It’s great and all, but there are more female artists in Japan...

Scene Report

China is big, and just when I think I am familiar with most of the bands in the extreme metal scene, new ones continuously...


Rammstein have been known to have some merch that's a bit out there, but now they are going for fashion. The German industrial icons...


While its length can be felt at times, Mære becomes a compelling progression of Harakiri for the Sky's powerful brand of post-black metal.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Clutch, Electric Hydra, Horse The Band, Sodom, and Within The Ruins.

Music Videos

Your day needs more chaos. Especially if it has not had any chaos yet. Enter the music video for Focusrights “When Will The Kingdom...

Injection Reflection

How are we basically halfway through November? This doesn't make sense to me. This year just feels like a dream. Here's what you missed...


Sólstafir brings its massive arrangements and rustic grit to notably accessible territory, rounded off by some callbacks to a savage past.

Upcoming Releases

Some Disturbed fans worried with the success of their Simon & Garfunkel cover, and the followup Sting cover, that perhaps Disturbed might be at...

Back in the Day

After releasing two of the greatest metal albums of all time, Ozzy took a break as he struggled with the grief of losing his...

Latest News

There won't be any more chili-cheese dog concerts in New York State for the forseeable future, as Governor Andrew Cuomo has updated the state's...

Back in the Day

I've seen Ozzy more than a few times since the 80s, and until recently I had not thought about the special pre-shows Ozz has...

Latest News

Father's Day for most is a day to celebrate with their father and have a fun time with the family. But for some it...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include lots of prog, weirdness, noise, and more! To the metals...

Latest News

I mean, seriously. Go put on "Prison Song" and go from there.