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Music Videos

FOCUSRIGHTS Unleash Chaotic Mathgrind With "When Will The Kingdom Of God Come?"

Your day needs more chaos. Especially if it has not had any chaos yet. Enter the music video for Focusrights “When Will The Kingdom of God Come?”

In the event that you missed the Focusrights Monday Grind, the chaos experimental/mathcore/grind Russian duo is back with their debut music video. In the event that you missed ew, music!, you have not beheld this year’s most chaotic release. And along with that, probably this year’s most chaotic video. So, get ready to hold on to yer butt!

I don’t know how to describe this; I really don’t. It is a kaleidoscope of joy and insanity. From dancing, breakdancing, trains, throat dives, marionette movement, morphing, facial fakes, and more, “When Will The Kingdom of God Come?” is simply something that you can’t look away from. It is kind of like a fever-dream of the YouTube channel sadworld.

As for the song itself, it is just over a minute of unmitigated, swirling chaos. It begins like a mathgrind track, like something Fawn Limbs and The Sound That Ends Creation on LSD might write but derails from there pushes the sound even further. The track is incredibly heavy and fast. The best words for it are monstrous and formless. Focusrights have this incredible ability to make sounds work, no matter what gets pushed together.

This track is only a taste of things on ew, music!. This record is incredible, and this music video is a perfect visual for the sound. This album needs to be in your ears if you have the stomach for it. Pick up the album here.

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