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Search results for "Balls"

Matching Tags: X-RAY EYEBALLS


A lot of people conflate rap metal and nü-metal, but really, how many nü-metal bands rap? Perhaps the presence of turntables and baggy shorts...


Russia is like a time machine. That is why one of the nation's most popular rock band goes by that name, Машина Времени/Time Machine....


For some reason, there is an apprehension by metalheads to get into Rush. Some are (understandably) turned away by Geddy Lee’s zany, high-pitched vocals....


At it’s heart, Infinite Granite is not a metal record, but an above-average shoegaze/indie rock record.

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"None of us had the balls to do it. Metallica did, though."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Tragedy, Lantlos, Loch Vostok, The Ghost Inside, and Ingested.


"Lantlôs may have little resemblance to its original form, but Siegenhort has yet to steer his band in the wrong direction."


It’s unfortunate that the later career of At The Gates is overshadowed by the departure of lead guitarist Anders Björler, but it’s understandable. Björler’s...


One of the few pearls of wisdom my parents bestowed upon my sibling and I outside those rare moments they weren’t allowing the boob...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from The Armed, Amigo The Devil, Greta Van Fleet, and August Burns Red.


People hate songs about politics even when they’re by political bands. It’s a strange phenomenon. There’s much confusion about what makes a political band....

Shocking Revelations

Nate Garrett may have had something to do with why Limp Bizkit broke up in 2003.


We shine the spotlight on some underappreciated gems from one of metal’s most uncompromising bands.

New Music

With all of the various subgenres of metal the exist today, it's easy to forget that virtually all of it spawned from good ol'...

Around the Interwebs

You had to assume this was coming. When we shared all those memes after Jon Schaffer was spotted invading the Capitol, one of the...

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It would be written all on piano.

Back in the Day

Come With Me to the Crypt of Eternity!


In 2011, we had a poll of our readers, an annual tradition, to vote on what you thought were the best metal albums of...

Best of 2020

2020 was the most painful year of my life, but these albums made it bearable as my 15 most listened to of the year....

Best of 2020

This is the point of the year where I usually make a joke about the hits and misses, what bands are underrated and which...

Best of 2020

Well, that was a year. Debatably. Metal and hardcore-wise some fantastic albums came out this year. It’s just a shame that we aren’t going...