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Search results for "lights"

Bummer Alert

After getting stranded in the airport with no boarding passes, Louisiana sludge lords Eyehategod have announced that the upcoming Australian leg of their 25 Years Of...

Upcoming Releases

...this time, with plenty of low-end.

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Metal Injection Exclusives

A look back at our year of original videos. Some highlights include: Countdown: The Top 10 Most Influential Albums of All Time Louder Education...

Best of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's...

Best of 2013

Our Best of 2013 coverage continues this week. Now that we have albums out of the way, let's move on to more fun stuff,...

Music Videos

"Bloodshed," off Soulfly's recent record Savages released October 1 via Nuclear Blast, has a pretty interesting video. I like the Frank Miller-esque kind of cell shading...

Show Recap

For the longest time, Sacramento was passed over by mid-level tours. We simply didn't have a place for them that was decent. Then came...

Tim Lambesis Trial

After the initial wave of shock from the Tim Lambesis arrest for allegedly trying to hire a hitman to murder his wife, the mainstream...

Music Videos

Sepultura recently released The Mediator Between The Head And The Hands Is The Heart (I think I got that) and are noticeably not on...

Latest News

Blake Judd has been the center of our attention for a few weeks now. From his arrest to release and potentially dissolving Nachtmystium in...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 


Early last week, after reports of throat slashings at their show in El Paso, Broken Hope found themselves without a tour after being kicked...


I have a few friends, mostly female (yes, I have female friends, can we stay on topic here), who have taken up yoga recently...

Upcoming Releases

Exhumed just released an album and so did Iron Regan (Municipal Waste, ex-Darkest Hour), so it only makes sense that they've got brand new music...


How long can you keep a nostalgia act running and keep it fresh and exciting? Pretty long apparently if you're Warbringer. And even longer...

Fuck Yes!

The last time the Metal Masters clinic happened, there was some ridiculous jamming from some of the biggest names in metal including Phil Anselmo,...

Latest News

Coliseum seem like a bunch of smart guys and they're certainly showing that. The band took to the web earlier this week to post...

At The Movies

Metal and horror go together like chocolate and peanut butter.  They both represent the alluring countercultures of their entertainment niches, and, for whatever reason,...

Latest News

Sylosis crashed their RV a few days ago, and are slowly recuperating. With recuperation comes bills, lots of bills. The band is asking for...

Latest News

Metallica had a busy weekend in New York City, and here's a bit of a recap.

Latest News

When I think of Satyricon, the first thing that comes to mind is a funny conversation I had with a rather enthusiastic and boisterous...


Metallica's Through The Never is about a week away from being released and the band is hitting the promo machine on all cylinders.