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Place yourself in London, 1940–41, during the blitz. Bombs are crashing around you (above you if you’ve taken refuge in the tube), churches and...


Vader, the death metal band not Vader, the wrestler.

Around the Interwebs

Gwarogi pies, Oderus UrFungus pies and Dave BrockieLi pies on the menu.


A great look at early GWAR

Upcoming Releases

To celebrate the band's 30th anniversary, Mayhem is polluting the musical landscape with a fifth album's worth of unrelenting grimness called Esoteric Warfare.


Check out some of the cool guitars.

Heavy Metal Underground

In 2013, despite widespread unrest, political turmoil, civil wars, and ongoing Western meddling in sovereign affairs, the Middle East hosts a thriving metal scene....

Mustaine Mania

Dave Mustaine has had a relatively good year in terms of no bad PR. Looking back at our coverage of his lunacy, the only...

Weekly Injection

I know that this video is old as fuck, but it was recently reintroduced into my life and I can't stop showing it to...


Welcome to episode 145 of MSRcast as we dive further into the mind of Larry Roberts, guitarist for Novembers Doom. This is the second...

Music Videos

It's Star Wars fans vs. Star Trek fans in the ultimate showdown to the tune of the killer new Protest The Hero track, "Clarity."...

Mustaine Mania

The bromace between your mother's favorite saxophonist, Kenny G, and your conservative father's favorite metal guitarist Dave Mustaine continues. Previously, the Megadeth guitarist said...

Injection Reflection

I want to send a huge thank you to Greg Kennelty for absolutely killing it today taking over the blog for me as I am...

Injection Reflection

This has been a weird week for metal news. We've gotten a few new tracks from Metal Injection junkies' favorite bands, some silly Twitter...

Latest News

Gwar's Oderus Urungus is oddly the voice of reason when it comes to pretty much everything going on in the metal community. Unsurprisingly, everything...

Injection Reflection

July is over and now it's August. For me, this means the end of summer is near and that makes me a bit sad....

Tour Dates

If you do not think music cannot bring people together, think again. Israeli prog metal masters Orphaned Land have announced a 18-date European tour...

Music Videos

The video for "The Eye That Offends" was shot on abandoned sets from the iconic first Star Wars movie, in the Tunisian desert in...

Injection Reflection

When the metal news rains, it falls! On the same day, Tim Lambesis was released from prison and Slayer announced a new drummer. Then,...


Yesterday, As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis was released from custody on a bail bond after being detained in a San Diego prison...

Latest News

Slayer have just announced their new permanent drummer, and it's actually their old permanent drummer, Paul Bostaph.

Latest News

After a week of silence, the WEEKLY INJECTION has returned with a shiny new writer. There are a few gems on the list of...