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Search results for "Soundscape"


"Enslaved are outsiders among outsiders, and they seem even happier for it. If more groups follow their creative example, all of metal will benefit."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Haken, Full Of Hell & Primitive Man, .gif from god, Sandrider, Temptress, and Witch Ripper.


"With Fauna, Haken has done a great job of encapsulating all eras of their career while still pushing in different directions."

Upcoming Releases

"We've talked about doing like a punk rock album where it's much quicker faster, straight to the punch kind of really fast music."

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

The music that powers the staff of this ungodly service. Gatekeeper – "Twisted Towers" With new guitarist Adam Bergen replacing Kenny Kroecher in 2019...


"Rest assured, those with any nostalgia for the Christian-core boom will find a lot to appreciate here."


"However anyone one tries to categorize them, no one does it quite like Elder."


"Lightwork aims for humbler and more approachable resonances. Even so, it's another monumentally meaningful and ambitious journey as only Townsend could produce."


"With a few minor adjustments, like clearer production and more of the post metal leanings we hear on Burying Brightness, Boundaries could become rising...


"The End, So Far contains plenty of powerful moments, and successfully breaks new ground for Slipknot 27 years into their career."


"If you like your drums loud, your bass loud, and everything else loud then Petbrick's Liminal has got you covered."


"Dimensional Bleed is more than just a collection of opulent post-metal songs; it’s an enchanting yet challenging journey for the heart, soul, and mind."


"With this latest album, Fallujah have proven that they can expand beyond their roots without losing their fire."

Full Album Stream

For fans of Ensiferum, Wintersun, and Children Of Bodom.


"What keeps the band interesting at this point comes down to the fact that no one does instrumental post-metal quite like this."


"Chat Pile fashions sludgecore into a vivid display of mental trauma caused by an afflicting world. God’s country indeed… If God has truly looked...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. OvO – "La Morte Muore, Part 2" Italy's Stefania Pedretti and...

Black Metal Chronicles

Pytten has had an enormous amount to do with how the Norwegian black metal sound was represented.