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Search results for "Star"

Injection Reflection

I'm heading out of town for the weekend, so it might be a little quiet. Here's what you missed this week: MARILYN MANSON Shares...


Documentary filmmaker Edvard Hansson followed around Meshuggah on some of their 2018 tour dates and documented the experience. Meshuggah drummer Tomas Haake recently spoke to Hayley...

Celebrity Metalheads

Bill Hader – he's just like you. Except rich and doesn't wanna get punched, which is fair.

Tour Dates

Eye Of Nix's first-ever East Coast performance, Xasthur as an acoustic act, and more.


This brutal death album leaves little room for any groove or slam, and is all business in the rolling ball of membrane waiting to...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of prog, some fuzzy weirdness, and more! To the metals...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Latest News

The band is working with Kevin Churko

Latest News

It seems that multiple women had the same experience with Dahvie.

Bummer Alert

They promise to return in 2019.


There's some Australian slang up in here.

RIP a Livecast

Mantar is a band that needs to be on your radar, and we're interviewing frontman Hanno Klänhard to talk about their upcoming release, The...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Full Album Stream

Portland has become a heavy metal mecca with many prominent bands and labels — like Agalloch, Red Fang and Vrasubatlat Records — calling the...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Whoresnation’s Mephitism.


Anomie is a triumphant record chiefly because of how well the band implements a multitude of styles not only on one album but, more...

Tour Dates

Plus Pyrexia, AngelMaker and Within Destruction too.