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Search results for "Star"

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

Music Videos

Metal Allegiance is the all-star group of heavy metal – featuring four core members: David Ellefson (Megadeth), Alex Skolnick (Testament), Mike Portnoy (ex-Dream Theater) and...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes epicness, sludginess, Dee Sniderness, and moreness! To the metals...ness

King of Metal

Witch Taint started as a joke fake band from the King of Metal, comedian Dave Hill and spawned the Black Metal Dialogues, wherein Dave...

It's Just Business

More bands with a deep enough catalog should take this analytical approach. 

Upcoming Releases

Spoiler: Nergal is Jesus on the cross.


"I’m not on tour with the band. I’ve been on radical sabbatical since about February of this year."

RIP a Livecast

We have a HUGE guest on this show – Daron Malakian of Scars on Broadway / System of a Down fame. Daron will talk...

At The Movies

Things aren't so dire and hopefully, come next February, a most-excellent movie will begin shooting.

Full Album Stream

A little under a month ago, sunny California's bastard children in Disgusted Geist shat out a death metal so gross it might as well...

Latest News

Some Wikipedia clown thought it'd be a good idea to edit the band's page.

Fuck Yes!

We accept your apology.

Tour Dates

Fall is a busy one for these three

Latest News

"I wish I could be the person that would say, 'Oh, it's definitely gonna come back,' and give the fans some hope and all...


To start, let's examine the timeline of progressive metal. The journey started in the 80's with acts like Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Dream Theater, who...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a split from Horrible Earth and Psycho.

Live Footage

The band still bring the heavy