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Latest News

Ozzy Osbourne producer Andrew Watt has been recovering from a serious bout with COVID-19, the coronavirus. He shares his tale and encourages folks young...


There are some organs and some choirs.

New Music

Lamb of God will release their new self-titled album on May 8. The band originally began teasing their new song "Memento Mori" earlier this...

Latest News

As the amount of known cases of coronavirus expands, we're going to be seeing certain musicians going public with their diagnosis. It's sheer probability....

Latest News

Lamb of God are taking a unique approach to promoting the release of their new single, “Memento Mori.” The way you can hear it...


“Let’s see those emojis!”

Live Footage

Killswitch Engage's now-postponed tour with August Burns Red and Light The Torch would offer longtime KSE fans quite a treat: Howard Jones rejoining Killswitch...


While virtually every live performance all around the world the next few weeks has been canceled, in the hopes of social distancing to prevent...

Back in the Day

The footage of the late Layne Staley performing with Tool during the first Big Mele festival on Oahu in 1993 has some interesting back...

Music Videos

Ex-The Oath vocalist Johanna Sadonis wants your soul.

Music Videos

"The song is about literally cutting yourself in two pieces from your head down."

Live Footage

Danny Carey is really good at drums, in case you forgot.

Injection Reflection

Have you heard about this coronavirus thing? It's kinda killing the metal scene right now, figuratively, hopefully not literally. Here's what you missed: Here's...

Video Premiere

From Kolkata in India, Evil Conscience is a tech-death/deathcore act currently holding a lineup of Arunava (vocals), Bob (guitar), Supriya (guitar), and Snehargho (bass). Back...

Latest News

"You can stream the show on TWITCH and you will be able to contribute if you feel like it/are able."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include Coachella favorites, twangy metal, feedback, and more! To the metals...


Escuela Grind takes listeners to a particular institution of learning on their debut full-length

Tour Dates

We are actively keeping tabs on all the bands canceling or postponing their shows in light of the coronavirus outbreak. One band not ready...