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Tour Dates

The coronavirus ripple effect is taking its hold on the metal scene. As Norway has banned all public events through the end of April...

Shocking Revelations

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the music world in a big way. We have been keeping steady track of all the cancelations in the...

Latest News

"This is a postponement, not a cancellation."


Kindred isn’t quite as inviting as All Tree, but it's precisely because of its enhanced challenge and atypical direction that it’s so gratifying and...


The world is undergoing wide spread panic over the growing epidemic caused by COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus. As the disease continues to...

Gear Gods

Mark Morton and Willie Adler are real good at guitar.

New Music

Stolen Angelic Tongues is out April 24.

Full Album Stream

Grizzly black 'n' roll that belongs in a horror flick.

Latest News

Coronavirus disease is really making a horrible impact.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off talking about coronavirus causing metal cancellations, fish butt, and some political talk. We discuss an old Danzig interview, what not...


It only took Chris Spencer and Jim Coleman three decades to twist noise rock into a new form


Lee Buford of The Body, Kristin Hayter of Lingua Ignota, and Dylan Walker of Full of Hell are no strangers to working with one...


Gautier Serre is a pretty normal looking dude. His band Igorrr is anything but. Originally a solo project, the world’s only baroque breakcore death...

In The Studio

It'll be their first in four years.

Latest News

"So we are being told that being part of large gatherings is high on the list of things to avoid as this global health...

Latest News

Rage Against the Machine were to headline the festival.

Shocking Revelations

Earlier this year, we learned of the tragic passing of Death and Cynic drummer Sean Reinert. He was only 48 years old. Reinert was listed an...