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Metal Science

You've already made up your mind. Trust me.

Bummer Alert

“I don’t think we ever will”


Metallica frontman James Hetfield is trying to get back in the swing of things. After appearing at a car show last month, his first...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the Prince of Fucking Darkness, wizards, noisy rock, demons, and more! To the metals...


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?

New Music

This might be the coolest thing you hear today.

Upcoming Releases

It's 18 minutes long and they gotta edit it down.


After almost 15 years, Blind Guardian's Hansi Kursch and Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer have collaborated on another Demons & Wizards album, III.

br00tal Comedy

I am too old to know what FaZe Clan is, but they were lucky enough to be invited into Ozzy Osbourne's home to play...


Breakthrough Artist is the type of thing that looks good on posters and media blitz emails. It sounds great on Grammy night, but rarely...


The Telemark EP is an essential addition to Ihsahn’s catalog

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The documentary currently has no known timetable.

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But the real question is if Kiss will actually get back with their ex-members.

Live Footage

It's a drum solo inspired by New York City.

Full Album Stream

It's early in 2020 but we're already starting out strong. And what better way to continue to ring it in than with a brand...

New Music

FFO: Entombed, Dismember, Autopsy and Swedish death metal.

Tour Dates

They're repeating the cities from their 1995 tour.

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Mikael Åkerfeldt has been advised to rest.

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A good cover takes a song folks might recognizable and the band in question make it completely their own. That's exactly what John Dolmayan did...