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In Flames is exactly one week away from releasing their new album, Battles. The band have released a few singles so far,  "Through My Eyes," "The...

It's Just Business

Lars said behind the scenes everybody would complain, but nobody went public.

Weekly Injection

This edition features melodic death metal of several types, some electronica actually, and more! To the metals...


It's been two years since the unfortunate overdose of Static X singer Wayne Static. Today, we look back at five music videos featuring the...


Even metal's various sub-genres struggle to contain this eclectic bunch.

Latest News

Gojira, Slayer, Anthrax, Toothgrinder, Periphery, Meshuggah, Hatebreed, Black Sabbath, Slipknot... etc.

RIP a Livecast

We had one of our favorite guests of all time, Mike "Gunface" McKenzie, call in to talk about his latest projects. We kicked off...

Fuck Yes!

Metal Injection loves Halloween. We think its the most metal holiday of the year, and it seems you Metal Injection junkies agree.


Avenged Sevenfold returns with The Stage: a vast and powerful collection of music found amongst the stars.

The Obituarist

Howdy Halloweeners, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here with another round of sick ghoulish extreme metal to keep you screaming this holiday.

Latest News

"I felt like… Colonel Hannibal in ‘A-Team‘ when he goes: ‘I love it when a plan comes together,’ and he chomps on his cigar."

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Marcus who had the best zinger: "VOGUE in D Standard…" Now for this week's fun photo...

Dank Slams

Is there a rule book when it comes to slammin brutality? Does there exist one modus operandi that dictates the why and how of...


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


Heavy metal is, to quote Mr. Ian Christie, the sound of the beast. Heavy metal is music made for evil; it's supposed to be...

Breakups & Shakeups

Seriously, you can apply to be Allegaeon's new bassist.


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...

It's Just Business

It is no coincidence that the release is scheduled for one week before the band's new album, likely to undercut some sales, or possibly...

Dank Slams

See, there is this guy we know. This dude… man… he knows his shit! Having literally helped in the forging of alien/space-drenched slam (with...