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Everybody's laughing and having a great time in 1989.


Read an in-depth interview with the band’s creative spring and check out an exclusive premiere of a brand-new animated video for “Ride into the...

Breakups & Shakeups

"I've been in bands my entire life and I feel like I've done all the good that I can here."

Music Videos

Equal parts pensive and pissed off, India-based prog metal band The Cosmic Truth give a damning hymn against those that would rather we be...

Mustaine Mania

"The Menza family wasn't even aware of any book being in the works."

Live Footage

Earlier this week, Sammy Hagar just released a new video, with fellow former Van Halen member Michael Anthony. Hagar and Anthony were together for Hagar's annual...

Injection Reflection

It was a rough week for all of rock music, but we'll always have Eddie's riffs. Here's what you missed this week: The Amazing...

Record Sales

Rest in peace, Eddie. Thanks for changing rock music as we know it.

Weekly Injection

This week’s new heavy metal releases include a variety of Halloween jams, giving the old school respect, and more!  To the metals...

This Is Just A Tribute

The tributes have been pouring in to guitar god Eddie Van Halen, who tragically passed away this week, after a long battle with tongue...


There must be some metalheads in The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Border Service, they just released what...


System of A Down have released a collective statement on the issues happening in Artsakh. What's happening in Artsakh, you ask? Well, allow System...

Upcoming Releases

"We've still got little punch-ins we need to do here and there, and then it's off into singing and solo land."


"My manager, he was just, like, ‘Look, maybe you guys are going a little too far’ — for both Serj and I."


The Swedish six-piece unleash their most diverse album so far...


Skolnick wrote this in response to MAGA trolls attacking him.

Shocking Revelations

"I think you have that backwards, and that Slash is actually a little more technical than I am."


"Against things like racism, homophobia, etc. So the invigorating clutch is holding onto somebody's throat, you know?"

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include metal opera, happy go lucky black metal, garage rock from the King of Metal, and more!

New Music

The Orange Is The New Black star's band is back with a crushing new track.

Shocking Revelations

"Why would I want to glorify something like that?"

Full Album Stream

Emotive riffs, tons of reverb, and impeccably written songs all the way down.